Friday, June 9, 2017

Final Portfolio

             Its finally the time of the year when we must create a portfolio consisting of all the work done this school year. Last year I did the visual design portfolio but this year we must create a website that shows all the work I did during my Digital Design year. When creating our portfolio we must include our blog link, our teachers blog link, our link to our lab index page, our link to our projects lab index page and a link to our biography page. For this portfolio I decided to add a theme of a starry night since I have always loved looking at stars as a little girl. For my index page I wanted to do something different. Thus, I made a sky scenery with stars and within the stars I decided to add rotating stars and add links to them to send people to my blog, teachers blog and my biography. At the bottom of my webpage I wanted to add two buttons, one to direct people to my labs and another to direct them to my project. I left some space in between because I wanted to add something later on. I then worked on my labs and projects index page. I wanted to show a small description of what each lab or project I made was about. Thus, I decided to make a page transition up the page when hovered on. Therefore, revealing the description I made for each lab or project. I also decided to add my recent lab and project o the top of the page. Since we needed to add javascript I decided to make a navigation bar that opens from the right. Since we must keep a constant design throughout our website, I used the same starry background and the same blue and lavender colors and indie flower font I used in my homepage index. I tried to put much thought and make my portfolio simple to follow so the user does not get lost.
            I would say my favorite part of making my portfolio was the javascript I added in the beginning which made a box appear asking the individual to type their name and then to type any color they wanted. I decided to ask the user to input any desired color they want because when typing the color they want, when entering my website at the bottom middle of the page, the users name will appear in the color they desired to choose. This was my favorite part of the website as it make the user feel more welcomed in my perspective. I also found making the descriptions for my labs and projects hard because since the decoration is hidden until the lab or project image is hovered on, it would bot work at first. Although, its a lot of work I really enjoyed doing this because I was able to reflect on the work I have done and i was able to see how much I progressed.

Upon entering website


index Homepage

Project Homepage

Lab 17

         This lab consisted of using learning how to display a confirm box when an individual clicks on a button. When creating a confirm box we also had to understand and learn about if and else statements. An if statement will allow a specific block of code to be executed if the indicated condition is true. An else statement will allow a specific bock of code to be executed if the indicated condition is false. A condition is an expression that evaluates to be true or false. In this lab since a confirm box displays a dial box with a specified message along with an OK and a Cancel, we will use the if and else statements so when a person clicks ok something will happen and if a person clicks cancel another thing will occur. Since I used the confirm () method, when an individual clicks ok, it returns true (if statement)  and in any case when an individual clicks cancel, it returns false. However, before creating the confirm box, I had to create a form asking the user to inout two values. which is something I learned back in lab 12. Then I created the confirm box which asked the individual "Do you want to add these two values?" When clicked ok, then it will add the two values, if clicked cancel then it will not.
         This lab was sort of difficult for me since we had to use if and else statements. I had to read articles to learn about if and else statements. I was scared of this lab because during our APCSP create task I had a hard time doing if and else statements. However, after this lab I was able to understand the process of an if and else statements. Most of the components such as creating a form was a skill learned in previous labs. Therefore, it was already easy creating a form. I was really excited to do this lab because before joining the web design academy I would see these confirm boxes in websites but I would not know who people were bale to make them. However, after this lab I realized it isn't so hard to create a confirm box as I thought. I hope in future labs I will see components I see in other websites online.  I know this lab will help me in the future because I can use confirm boxes in my portfolio or in any other project.

Layout of Lab 17
When Confirm Box Appears
Result After Clicking "OK" in Confirm Box

WBL Reflection Journal

          In the WBL workshop made by Mr. Franck, we learned about the importance of learning how to create good habits as it will help us save money rather than waste it ineffectively. We learned and were given tips from Mr.Franck to understood how we should set our priorities straight. A great way to start the presentation was by mentioning a term I never heard of before, Financial literacy. Financial literacy is the ability to understand how money works, how to manage it, how to earn it, and how to invest it. As a teenager all one can think of is making money. However, we get so excited by the idea of earning money that once we have it we tend to waste it all in less than a week. We go overboard buying unnecessary things and then a split second we have no money on us. Therefore, Mr.Franck. told us to create good habits. Some good habits are
 * Don't waste your money buying unnecessary things or too expensive things
 *Do not waste time on social media. Do something productive.
 *Surround yourself with people who have the same goals as you.
 *Create goals maybe not long term goals but small term goals are a great way to start
You won't see results really soon but sticking to these habits are a great way to start saving and spend less wasting. As a teenager these may seem like a waste of time but this will just help us not only save money but create good habits for the future. As Franck, said "Time is Money". We cannot waste our time taking selfies and posting them in social media, we should find what our interests are and try to explore them.

         One of my favorite parts of the workshop was when Mr.Franck told us that we should become a learner instead of one who looks to be entertained. He told us that risk comes from not knowing. Thus, we should become readers, talk to ourselves, keep a journal, find what our interests and goals are, and explore them. Many say we never have time to do such things but thats when we should keep in mind the importance of time. In web design our teacher is always telling us how we met use our time wisely. This saying should not only be applied to one class but to everything we do because if we don't then we can never do what we want to do like hobbies we like. When thinking of managing time we should think about Asset vs Liability. Assets are your mind, reputation, physical and mental skills and our ability to adapt to changes while liability is when you lack of time management, your obsession of making friends. In addition to learning how to learn to save money we also learned the importance of knowing ourselves and creating good habits. This is what I liked about this workshop as it linked to create important components into one.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Lab 14- JavaScript Math Operations

       In lab 14, we had to learn the JavaScript arithmetic operators. For instance, + stands for addition, - stands for subtraction, * stands for multiplication and / stands for division. Using the skills we used previously of creating forms, we had to create two forms and add addition, subtraction, multiplication and division buttons. First, I started with a form and typed in two inputs. One input was for the first number with the id first and then the second input was for the second number with the id second. Next, it was time to create the addition,subtraction,multiplication and division buttons. I started off by creating the addition button. Creating the addition button required me to use the input tag and within the input tag I put the type and onClick. For the onClick I made sure I put AdditionBy and I gave it a value which will be used to call the button on the website. I did this for the other three buttons but all I changed was the onClick name into SubtractionBy,MultiplicationBy, and DivisionBy.  Putting the name next to the onClick will help later on wit the javascript because it will represented as the function in javascript. I also changed the value of each button into the indicated operation they will perform. Once I finished this, I  used the paragraph tag to type "The final Result is" because once the user fills in two numbers in the form and clicks on any operation button, the answer will be displayed next to the words in the paragraph tag. Now it was time to add Javascript. I decided to begin with addition. I started off by typing in script and from there I typed the function AdditionBy(). I then typed num 1 as my variable and put document.getElementById. The id we gave the input in the forms, now comes in handy because we will make the document get the element by the id first. I did this again for my second variable. Finally, I put document.getElementId ("result").innerHTML= Number (num1) + Number (num2). I put the plus sign in between the word num 1 and num 2 because the operation that is going to be done once a person clicks the button is addition. I did this for the following three operations (subtraction,multiplication and division). Except for the other unions I champed the arithmetic operator into its corresponding operation. Like subtraction is -, multiplication is * and division is /.
     Once I did all this process, if someone is to fill into two numbers in the form and click a certain operation button, it will work. At first I did not know how to write the code. When first writing the code I used s1 and s2 but it would not work because in my code I specified that s1=150 and s2=20. Thus, when I entered any other numbers other than 150 and 20, the calculations will not work. Therefore, I went to w3schools and tried learning more about the arithmetic operators. It may have been difficult making this lab but it was actually fun and exciting to se the final result. I know when I finished completing the lab I got so excited seeing how I would fill in two numbers in the form and then when I clicked any operation button it will work. I realized that the skills I learned in the previous lab was useful because in this lab we were required to create a form. I think this lab will allow us to understand how to create a calculator in the future.

Lab 13- JavaScript Forms and Alert Boxes

     After creating our first ever javascript, we had to further improve that lab. In lab 13, we had to make sure our form functions well. The form we created in the past lab was still used in this lab except we changed the forms name to alert form. In order to make the function work we had to use the input tag and within the input tag we had to add the type and value. This input tag allowed the user to create a button that says go to work when it gets clicked on. However, we are not done yet. Afterwards we must add an onclick which met equal="window.alert(_____);"> Inside of the parenthesis the user is allowed to add words that will be shown in a window when a person clicks on the go button you created earlier with the tag input. The user must keep in mind that when you write inside the parenthesis, the words you want to appear in the window should be surrounded with single quotation marks and must be followed by a plus sign and the phrase "document.alertform.yourname.value". You must add this into the parenthesis because it will allow the document to understand that when the user types in a value in the form the will be able to get a response from the computer due to the arms input name. If done correctly, in the website if a person fills in the form and press the button go, they will be able to see a window pop up with the information they gave.
   This lab was difficult compared to the previous lab because unlike the previous lab, in this lab we had to make sure the form works when someone fills in their information. At first I found it very difficult to make the words pop up in the window. However, I realized that I did not out single quotation marks around the words I wanted to appear on behalf of the window. However, just as the previous lab, my favorite part of this lab was being able to style the website using css. After finishing this lab I was excited because I was able to make a form work and that was something i never expected to do, so it felt like a great accomplishment.

Lab 12- My First JavaScript

      This lab was the first time I ever used Javascript. In order to complete this lab we were introduced to a knew topic which was forms and adding a function to a button. The purpose of this lab was able to create a form and create a button that will function using javascript. To start off we first used the form tag and before closing the form tag we had to give it a name. Then within the form tag we put the name, phone and email and next to each of them we put the input tag. However, when adding the input tag we must also add a name. The name well help us later on with javascript. After creating the form we had to create a button. Inside the button tag we must add the type, class and we definitely must add the onClick. In between the beginning and end of the tag, users are able to add a few words that will be seen on the front of the button. After creating the button, we wrote "Ready for the hidden part" within the h3 tag and we gave this tag an id named demo. Once creating the button it was time to add javascript to it. When using javascript we used internal javascript in which we started off by typing the element script. Next to the tag script we type function button() and then we add document.getElementById 9"demo').innerHTML="Hello". When typing this inside the script tag it tells the document to make the text Hello appear when you click the button you created earlier.
      This lab was not as difficult as I expected it to be. The steps were easy to follow. The best part of this lab was using css to style the features such as the button in the html code. I used this opportunity to try and experiment with different types of fonts by going to google fonts. I was also able to experiment with decorating the buttons such as adding a border, shadow, coloring the words,etc. I believe this lab was a good lab to start with because it gave us an introduction the to main features that we may use in our websites. This lab allowed me to learn how to link a javascript file to a html file externally. Overall, I know this is just the beginning and that javascript will get harder but I am ready to learn more in order to improve my labs and projects.

Lab 11- Final WireFrame

     After creating the first three drafts for the wireframes, it was time to create the final draft for our websites homepage. When creating this website I decided to use dark warm colors. I decided to use the little figures and place them to the side of the website in order to give the website a little touch.  When creating this wireframe I realized I was not as enthusiastic about the topic as I thought I was. I felt my lack of enthusiasm for this respect for all topic was the reason as to why I was unable to come up with ideas. When creating the wireframe for the homepage I was thinking of adding texture but I found it a bit difficult trying to find a gesture that will match with the colors and that will not distract the audience from the rest of the information. Just as I expected when sharing and giving each other feedback in class, I use too much texture. Too much texture does not create a balance. Thus, I had to keep in mind that I must choose between having a gradient or a hard type of texture.  This final wireframe allowed me to see whether or not I added to little or too much features in the homepage.

Final WireFrame

Lab 10 - WireFrames

     Before beginning Project 3 we were required to create a set of wireframes that illustrate the information that will be shown in the final website of project 3. The wireframes were created using adobe photoshop cs6. We were required to choose a respect for all pic and I decided to use race because it is something that is very problematic not only present day but in the past as well. I know for sure I wanted to include a slideshow in my homepage Thus, when creating the first three drafts of my homepage wireframe, I included a space in which I will add a slideshow. The adding color to my wireframe I was not thinking of the moment of which colors best contrast each other. After seeing the colors I have chosen I knew I had to change the colors as soon as possible because the colors were not appealing to the eye nor did it grab attention. I kept in mind that I wanted to use a font that is bold. After designing the wireframe of the main homepage I started designing the pages for the other pages. I created a different design for each page but due to my wireframe I realized that I must keep a constant design throughout my webpage or else it can make the website confusing and unattractive. What is important to keep I'm mind is keeping a constant design throughout the entire website. 
     I am glad we used photoshop because when designing the wireframes, I used the grid element in order to help me design the wireframe. Using the grid allowed not only me but others to align text and boxes in a proportional way. In this lab, the most difficulty part was coming up with a design for the homepage. Since the homepage is the first part of a website that the audience views. I felt that I was overthinking too much that I was unable to come up with a design. I wanted to make a design that is not to exaggerated nor to simple. In order to improve I knew I had to use different colors for my website because the colors I picked were not the best for this website.

First Draft for WireFrame

Second Draft for WireFrame
Third Draft for WireFrame

Why Respect WireFrame

Facts Wireframe

Promote WireFrame

Project 3- Respect for All HTML/CSS Site

       Project 3 required us to use our HTML and CSS skills by using Dreamweaver. As a part of this project, we had to create a project that shows respect for all. I decided to make  website regarding how individuals must keep their environment clean. I created 5 separate sections that includes the websites homepage, a page stating why people must respect the environment, facts, and ways to promote cleanness. I decided to use different types of green shades because I felt that its the color that represents the environment. I even added a slideshow. However, what I felt distinguished my website the most was the page transitions. I wanted to add a different effect to my website this time. I tried to increase my css skills and tried adding as much css as I can to make the website appealing to the eye. Thus, I decided to go online to learn a new skill in which the webpages in my website will have smooth page transitions when the user clicks on the buttons in the navigation bar. The main key that allowed me make a smooth transition was by adding the element transition:all 0.6s ease in out. I used this transition to apply it to every button on the navigation bar so when the user clicks on a certain button the page with transition in the matter of six seconds to the page there heart desires. I decided to use 6 seconds because when making a transition of 1 second, the transition is too fast. Thus, the user is unable to see how the transition adds a nice effect to the website.
      Creating this project required much work and patience. At first I was having difficulty finding out how to create a transition in the pages. But I believe what was most difficult about this project was finding the information necessary to complete the webpage. I had difficulty finding sources such as facts and information. I first started off by wanting to create a webpage showing respect for race. However, I had difficulty finding information about it and I was not as enthusiastic about the topic. It may have been difficult making a transition in the pages but I would say learning how to make transitions in pages was my favorite part of the website. It may have taken me a while to create this website but i am very satisfied with the results. If I were to add another feature I will try to add some javascript into the website to make things more appealing. Overall, this project allowed me to realize who much we can do with css and what Ia m capable of doing as long I am eager to learn new things step by step.

Main Homepage

Why Respect Page

Fun Facts Page

How to Promote Page

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

CTE EXPO Reflection Journal

      The CTE Expo is a very important event in which we web design students must present the best of our work to future web design candidates. It is a very important event because not only are we trying to get people interested to join the academy but we web design students are able to show case our web design skills through our best pieces of work to not only students but teachers. During class we learn and develop many skills that allow us to create websites that can be appealing to the eye. All the work and effort we put into our labs and projects are able to be shown and complemented by others such as students and teachers. During the CTE Expo 2017, both video and web design students had to put their communication skills in order to not only show but explain the work they have done. When showing other people our work, we had to explain how we did it and give them a brief description of what people in the web design academy do. However, when trying to explain others our work it was difficult because some people were not interested and others were rude. When people acted rude it sort of made me give up talking to some people but in order to try to get people interested I went with the students who actually seemed to look at projects in detail. In next years CTE Expo I plan to ask people their interests and try to connect their interests to web design, maybe this way will allow people to feel more encouraged and motivated about joining web design.
    Although, their were some rude students it was fun showing the work to teachers I have had in the past. I would show my teachers my work and show them how much I have learned in this class. I hope my past teachers will keep being proud of me and the work I have accomplished because they were the ones who wrote a reccomendation that allowed me to join web design. I know I will try to expand my knowledge on coding to make my websites look more nice in appearance. I will try my best to learn javascript as it will give me more opportunities to make my webpages more interesting. The CTE Expo helps me develop my communication skills and help promote the web design academy.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Project 2- Cartoon Website using CSS

          When creating this website, I first had to pick my favorite cartoon character. For this project we were required to choose a cartoon character and then create a website for it using CSS. In this case I decided to pick Sailor Moon. Since I chose Sailor Moon I had to pick an image of Sailor Moon and I had to find a background. Since Sailor Moon is a superhero who fights super villains at night, I decided to use a starry night background. When creating this website we needed a homepage, and another two pages that must include a biography of my character and the process made throughout this project. For both my biography and process webpage, I decided to put the text inside a textarea scroll box. Project 1 allowed me to create the texture element since I learned this element when doing project 1I decided to use Sailor Moons transformation brooch as my huttons. This way I was able to connect my web pages to my main homepage, my chracters biography, my process website, my blog and my web design portfolio. I used another Sailor Moon brooch as my copyright button as well. In order to fill in the space I decided to insert images of sailormoon.
        My Sailor Moon based website was mostly made using css. I used elements such as margin left, margin top, position, dispaly, in order to instruct where I wanted to place my images in my web page. I had to used these elemnts in order to position them in places other than left, right or in the center.  mostly used html to link my webpages together through the use of buttons and I used css to organize and style my webpage.I had fun while doing this project because I have always loved sailor moon and creating a website that is sailor moon themed was really exciting and fun to make. However, I did have trouble placing my images on the right place and I had a difficult time completing this project because since it was my first time using dreamweaver I still need practice. In addition, trying to find the right elements and the right position was hard.

Lab 9- My Plan for the AP PT Exam

          In this lab, this was the first time I experienced using dreamweaver. I thought it was easier but I was kind of having a hard time trying to connect to the server. However, I did love my first experience with dreamweaver because it suggests certain elements. My experience this time was different though. After learning html and creating websites in html, we now began using dreamweaver to create an html file along with a CSS file. This was the first time we had to complete a lab by creating an html file and then linking it to a CSS file. Before this lab I was confused because i thought CSS was a better version of html but I was wrong. People use CSS and use it to style their websites made in html in order to style their webpage in a readable, organized and easier manner. However, in order to style an html file by using a css file, you must connect the both files together. In order to link an html file and css film you must use the tag element, <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="_name of file_".

Career and College Fair

        A college and career fair was hosted at my school during 3 period. A few colleges as well as the army and navy came to the school to provide us with information about possible careers we will wish to to pursue in the future. Since it was early in the morning I did not get the chance to see all the colleges. However, although I was only given a period to interact I tried to talk to schools whose programs interested me. There were not many schools that interested me but I did try to ask about some academics I was interested in. Many colleges that went I never heard of. Therefore, when i first saw them I was not as interested because I never heard of them before. Some colleges were big others were small.For instance some colleges that went were Colleges like SUNY Polytechnic Institute, BMCC, Minorit Science Engineering Improvement Program, Hunter College, and a music college. There was also a program called ASAP that told us they can help students financially. But as I started to walk around i noticed that they were not as bad. I was still hoping that some school would have the academic I am interested in which is either fashion design or advertising/marketing. I found this college and career fair a good way to show us how a college fair is like. I have been to previous college fairs but I liked this one because even though we were in a small space, it felt more comfortable talking to colleges and asking them questions. Since it was a smaller environment there was more time to ask questions and explore. I liked this college fair but I just wished schools like FIT went because thats a college I am very interested in.

AP Central CollegeBaord Summary

      The AP Computer Science Principles Exam is an exam that consists of two parts, the performance tasks and the end-of-course AP Exam. The Performance tasks are due on April 30th,2017 and the exam day is on Friday, May 5th at 12 noon. Students are given two hours on the exam day. The performance task is composed of 2 tasks,t he first task requires students to identify a computing innovation, explore its impact, and create a related computational artifact and the second task focuses specifically on the creation of a computer program through the collaborative and iterative process of programming. Within these tasks students will create digital artifacts such as programs, digital art, or a video, accompanied by a written response. Once finished students must submit their final tasks through their AP Digital Portfolio. This will be the only way in where the test can be graded by teachers. Unlike the performance task, the end of course exam is a paper and pencil written exam. his test will include will include 74 multiple-choice questions, presented as either discrete questions or in sets. The exam has two types of multiple-choice questions. One type is called Ssngle-select multiple choice, where students select 1 answer from among 4 options. The other type is called multiple-select multiple choice, where students select 2 answers from among 4 option. As a result students will receive a final exam score of 1-5, based on their performance on both the course assessment and the end-of-course exam.The two performance tasks have an impact of 40% on the overall AP score in which the explore section is 16% (8 hours are given for this exam) and the create section is 24% (12 hours are given). On the other hand, the end of course exam, has a impact of 60percent on the overall AP score and only two hours are given.

WBL workshop #3 Child Labor Laws and Workplace Safety

        When wanting to work, students sometimes only think the money they will earn but do not realize some of the things they do are safe for them.For instance, minors (under 18) can do anything except farm work,newspaper carrier and street trades. If students do work during school hours they may only work 4 hours on days preceding school and 8 hours on Fridays' Saturdays and Sundays and on holidays. But there maximum number of hours they can work is 28 hours a week. Students cannot work during school hours.Students who work during school hours may only work 4 hours after school.  In addition, a student should know when there work can be dangerous if they are made to slice meat or bread, use power tools, work on a roof,manufacture brick or tile, or drive a four wheel vechile. It is important to know the amount of hours that can be worked and which activities people should exclude from because due to a report over 200,00 young workers get hurt during their job this year. Many students should not only care about the amount they are going to get payed. Students should be aware and told about the rights they have, no boss should take advantage of a student. If a students boss is taking advantage of a person, they must alert their teacher or guidance because a students safety comes first. However, students may work more hours during school break.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Disney Movie Data Set

In order to convert my raw data into a data visualization, I decided to use only certain parts of the data that will break down the information in a good manner. I decided to represent the disney movie data set by representing only the average rating of women vs the average rating of men. I decided to do this because in this way I will be comparing the average rates of both genders, female and male. Next, I had to choose which data visualization I thought would represent the data the simplest. Thus, I decided to use a scatter plot because in this way the audience will be able to interpret and easily see who's average rating was higher, the women or males. Now it was time to tell a story with the data visualization. With this data visualization it can be assumed that the average rating of women is higher than the average rating of men for the disney movies that have a female protagonist and the disney movies that have a male as the protagonist has a higher average rating for men than for women. 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Unit 2:Lesson 11 Making Data Visualizations

For this lesson we used either Google Sheets or excel to create good visualizations of data. At times data sets have numerous numbers that can confuse the audience. At times we cannot use all the data from a data set because it can confuse an audience just as much as they get confused interpreting a data set full of numbers. For this data set we first practiced creating a scatter plot that showed age vs the average rating. Next, I created a line graph in which we compared the average rating of women and the average rating of men. Finally, we created a bar graph comparing the number of women vs the number of men. In my opinion, I found scatter plots easier to interpret. However, it also depends the situation or data set you are trying to represent. At times scatter plots are useful and sometimes line graphs are better.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


           In this lab we used Neocities to create a webpage for lab 8. For lab 8, I was required to create a logo and use this logo as a favicon so it can be displayed in my websites address bar. In order to create the logo we had to use to create the logo. The logo we were required to make had to have a widht and height of 16. (16x16). In addition, we had to use 12 bits per pixel. For this logo, I decided to create a bear. I decided to create this logo because I have a dog and my dog looks like a bear cub. Since my dog means so much to me and is a part of my identity, I decided to create a bear. Creating the favicon was not hard but I was worried that my design was not going to be seen as clearly since a favicon is pretty small. Thus, I decided to make my logo as big as possible to cover up the 16x16 pixel image. Once I finished creating my favicon, it was time for me to put it into my website. In order for me to this I had to use the tage link rel= and I had to put information about the image so my website can recognize the favicon.I had fun creating the favicon especially because now I know the tag which will allow me to add a favicon to my website. At first I was having a hard time understand how bits per pixel work because I was absent the previous day however with research and I was able to complete this lab and understand the importance of bits per pixel.
            Upon creating my favicon, I learned many things such as the relationship between bits and pixels. A bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer that can be represented by two possible values, either of the binary digits 0 or 1. A pixel is the basic unit of programmable color on a computer display or in a computer image in which its physicla size on a screen depends on how an individual sets the resolution for the display screen. The term bits per pixel (bpp) refers to the number of bits per pixel that affects the number of different colors an individual can use to display an image. The more bits the more shade of colors an individual is able to use to color in a pixel of an image because there are more combinations of 0's and 1's available. In an image, a pixel is given its color through the three primary colors, red, green and blue (RGB). Each primary color is called a channel, and the shade of a certain primary color can be changed by making the bit value to go higher or lower. The smaller the value, the darker the shade and the higher the value the brigjter the shade. Since bits per channel only refers tpo the bits per primary color, bits per pixel refers to the sum of the bits of all three primary colors.

