Its finally the time of the year when we must create a portfolio consisting of all the work done this school year. Last year I did the visual design portfolio but this year we must create a website that shows all the work I did during my Digital Design year. When creating our portfolio we must include our blog link, our teachers blog link, our link to our lab index page, our link to our projects lab index page and a link to our biography page. For this portfolio I decided to add a theme of a starry night since I have always loved looking at stars as a little girl. For my index page I wanted to do something different. Thus, I made a sky scenery with stars and within the stars I decided to add rotating stars and add links to them to send people to my blog, teachers blog and my biography. At the bottom of my webpage I wanted to add two buttons, one to direct people to my labs and another to direct them to my project. I left some space in between because I wanted to add something later on. I then worked on my labs and projects index page. I wanted to show a small description of what each lab or project I made was about. Thus, I decided to make a page transition up the page when hovered on. Therefore, revealing the description I made for each lab or project. I also decided to add my recent lab and project o the top of the page. Since we needed to add javascript I decided to make a navigation bar that opens from the right. Since we must keep a constant design throughout our website, I used the same starry background and the same blue and lavender colors and indie flower font I used in my homepage index. I tried to put much thought and make my portfolio simple to follow so the user does not get lost.
I would say my favorite part of making my portfolio was the javascript I added in the beginning which made a box appear asking the individual to type their name and then to type any color they wanted. I decided to ask the user to input any desired color they want because when typing the color they want, when entering my website at the bottom middle of the page, the users name will appear in the color they desired to choose. This was my favorite part of the website as it make the user feel more welcomed in my perspective. I also found making the descriptions for my labs and projects hard because since the decoration is hidden until the lab or project image is hovered on, it would bot work at first. Although, its a lot of work I really enjoyed doing this because I was able to reflect on the work I have done and i was able to see how much I progressed.
Upon entering website |
Homepage |
index Homepage |
Project Homepage |
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