In this lab, we had to create a banner and a nameplate. For lab 6, I used Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Text Edit. This lab required us to use the skills we developed last year in Visual Design and to combine them with our current Digital Design skills. I first worked on creating my banner. In order to create my banner I used Adobe Illustrator because in illustrator it is easier to draw than in photoshop. I decided to use a tulip as my logo becasue I like how a flower can symbolize growth. I feel like this is a symbol I can relate to because part of being in web design is learning how to grow as a person. I started first by drawing the tulip using the pen because it amkes thinner lines than the. Then I decided to draw small lines of flowers alongside the tulip. Lastly, I incorporated my name into the banner and I decided to use a script font becasue it looked the best with my design. Since there was two parts to this lab, after finishing my banner I began designing my nameplate. For the nameplate I decided to use Adobe Photoshop because for the nameplate I decided I wanted to use vector shapes instead of drawing. I did not want to just write my name and make the background pretty. I wanted to do something different. Therefore, I decided to create a flower with the vector shapes in photoshop. The only vector shapes I used was a square and circles. I used a square and filled it in for the background and the circles to create the flower petals. Since, I wanted to do something different I decided to make a flower with eight petals and place one letter of my name in each petal, and then I decided to place my last name in the middle of the circle. I tried to personalize it by using my favorite colors and using the flower. I used white for the font vcolor becasue I wanted my name to stand out. In addition, I rotated the letters in each petal so it could face the same direction the petal was towards. For my nameplate I mostly used gradient colors. Once I finished creating my banner and nameplate, I had to create the html code for it. For this part of the lab, I had to use Text Edit. Just ike the previous labs I did, I put in my headings however, for this lab I had to insert my banner before my headings. Thus, I inserted my image ("img src=banner3.jpg") right after I wrote html, body and center. For the banner I decided to use the dimensions width="1100" and height="200". Once I finsihed typing the headings in my html code, I inserted the name plate as img src ="nameplate.png" with the dimensions width="681" height="473". Afterwards, I typed in the process of my lab in my paragraph and added color to my background page as well as change the color of my font. Lastly, I saved my html code.
Banner |
NamePlate |
Image of html website |
Html Code
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