Waking up on a Saturday can be a tiring. However, at times waking up early must be done. On December 3rd, 2016 a hackathon at Galvanize was hosted. This was my first ever hackathon! When finding out that we had to come to this hackathon, i was scared and nervous because I never attended a hackothon nor did I know what you do at a hackathon. Upon arriving I found myself not only in a room full of classmates I already knew but with other students who I have never met before. We were made to form groups of 3-5. We were given a mentor to help us and we werealso given a time at which our bias website or application was due. Since I was intimidated and scared of making new friends, I was in a group of people I already knew. I thought by forming a group with classmates I already knew, it would be easier to communicate with one another. However, it was much more work. At first me and my group (Lesli,Edder, Sebastain and Tasnia) were having trouble picking a bias idea. As due time was approaching we felt very tensed and were having a hard time communicating with one another. This event made us realize that teamwork is more than helping one another but to make sure to communicate with each other very often. Even if we assign each other tasks, it is crucial to check up on each other and make sure if anyone needs help in completing the work by the deadline.
This seminar/ webinar made us work in teams and design website within a restricted number of hours. For instance, by four o clock we had to submit the website that had to be designed with any form of coding language that we know. Since we just began started learning about code our website mostly consisted of html and css. With the help of our mentor, she was able to teach us a little bit of javascript by teaching us how to create a carousel slideshow fro our website. Attending this event helped us realize that when creating a website we first have to brainstorm first such as making wireframes. In addition, we learned to manage our time and know how it feels like to have deadlines. We already knew a little about coding but after seeing other peoples projects it made me want to learn more about javascript because other people used javascript in their website or app and it was very interactive. I wish to make my websites more interactive in the future because when entering a website it is important that the user feels like they are at home, that they can navigate through the website. Overall, it was nice meeting new people from different schools.
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