Thursday, September 15, 2016

Lab 1 Reflection Journal

       For our first lab we used text edit to create our first HTML. Our first homework allowed us to understand and complete this lab because in order to make an HTML we must know the tags that browsers will understand. This was a very exciting lab because I have never done an HTML page before and this was the first time I have ever written something. Within writing our first HTML we had to write who we are and what we thought HTML was. But most importantly we had to write why web design is important to us. At first when I heard we were going to do HTML, I got nervous because this was going to be the first time being introduced to HTML and I was afraid I may not understand. However, as a result this lab was easy to do, but its just the beginning. This lab allowed me to see that I am going to deepen my knowledge and learn to have patience when writing code. Hopefully in the future we will learn how to add color to the font and the background page to make the website look more attractive. The key is to never give up and to not be afraid to try out new things. 

Html Code

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